Being Intimate Retreat

Remember the ecstasy of living


20th till 22nd of September 2024

B&B het Esse, Lieren, Netherlands

Language; Englisch


Being intimate with our essence, with life and in our relationships is something we as humans all deeply desire and somewhere know what it feels like - and yet sometimes we forget as it can be covered by layers of shame, fear & guilt, ultimately limiting beliefs, blocking our aliveness.


All we actually need is to create a space to remember how it is to experience:

A life lived in full connection with yourself.
with nature.
with each other.
with Spirit.


There is no more powerful and natural way to experience this than by BEING in nature in a community of other wise & wild souls who also know or want to discover the gift of going within.


During this intimate weekend, you are invited on a journey into the rawness & realness of your being supported by Nature’s power & intelligence. Together we explore the fullness & aliveness that comes with being intimate with your direct experience. By diving deep within and connecting with our core through our Body Temple - our inner power & erotic nature - and shredding the layers of who we think we are.


We are born as sexual beings, coming from the core of nature which is inherently sexual. We truly believe once we start opening up all parts of ourselves - and include our (repressed) sexuality & shadows and drop layers of shame around our beautiful pure bodies, we can remember the creative life force moving through us.

In this weekend, we love to invite you to remember that blissful essence you already are.

Through rituals in nature.
Through singing around the fire.
Through transformational Tantric & Shamanic practices.
Through the Art of Healing through food.
Through embodiment, connecting with the Earth & your aliveness.


From this pure and raw inner connection we spiral outwards again. To find that true meeting point with one another. Where life’s magic comes through. Which happens when we meet in our authentic truth, learn to listen to our most heartfelt desires, and have the courage to truly meet ourselves. Beyond what you perhaps once believed you were and is still keeping you small - connecting you to the blissful essence of your being.


Ultimately we discover the joy & expansion of being intimate with ourselves and simultaneously with our outer world.


We can't wait to experience life in its fullness and to remember the art of living in ecstasy with you!



During this intimate weekend you will be totally immersed in nature to awaken to your own wise, wild and raw nature. You will be guided through embodiment & intimacy practices & rituals where you get to meet yourself and from there your other soul brothers and sisters, friends, lovers, partners (or anything in between;). Where you will be invited to meet from soul to soul and move beyond your personal stories & backgrounds.

Imagine a little holiday where you will get exactly what you need, while being nourished on all layers of your being.

During the day there will be a combination of embodiment practices & rituals to deepen your connection, be in nature, swim in the natural lake or enjoy the sauna and in the evenings (Saturday & Sunday) we will remember and celebrate the Ecstasy of Living and being alive with two Temple nights.

An open space for practicing love, intimacy & the art of authentic expression.

The Temple Nights are here for you to explore Heart centered connection.
To deepen your connection & be intimate with all that is alive.
A safe space to explore and express your desires.
To discover and honor your boundaries.
To open the body, allowing spirit to come through.
To go beyond the mind, and to melt into oneness.
To remember the ecstasy of living
and enjoy the pleasure of BEING alive!



⚕️ Be in a field of love & intimacy while being nurtured by (your) Nature
⚕️ Experience heart centered connection with yourself & other like minded beings
⚕️ Are curious to explore your raw, sensual & wild nature
⚕️ Be deeply connected with your body and remember how it feels to live in Ecstacy
⚕️ Expand your aliveness by being intimate with yourself, others and life
⚕️ Remember your nature and experience the liberation of connecting with Essence

This retreat is open for people who have some experience in Temple or similar (sex positive) spaces and/or people who are generally curious and longing for true intimacy & deepening into Love.



- Self-deepening, Tantric Shamanic Embodiment & Rituals
- Sauna Ritual
- Time to be in nature & swim in the lake
- Breathwork
- Raw Cocoa
- Self-regulation practices
- Healing through food
- Moments of silence
- Yoga & Meditation
- Beautiful surroundings for a walk/integration moment
- Sharing
- Being & Singing around the fire
- Two Temple Nights
- Time to be in nature & swim in the lake
- Organic vegetarian meals
- Unlimited fruit, snacks, tea & purified water

After the weekend you receive the option to book a private body de-armouring session with Tonko (with priority & a discount) or a Deep Intimacy Journey with Sophie to integrate your experience or dive deeper. We will also offer aftercare support if you wish via email, voice notes and/or phone calls.



⫸ DATES: Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd of September, 2024.
Walk-in on Friday from 16.00 - we will start the journey all together at 5pm and close all together on Sunday 25 August at 8pm.


The retreat is held at Het Esse, which is a luxurious villa hidden in the lush forest of the Veluwe - overlooking a stunning private natural lake. This extraordinary location offers a sauna, indoor pool, a private beach and much more. It is truly a hidden gem in the Netherlands to become fully one with (your) nature.



Early Bird • 555 (until 30 June) - in a luxurious 4-persons room
Early Bird • 499 (until 30 June) - if you come with your camper

Regular Bird • 629 (from July 1st) - in a luxurious 4-persons room
Regular Bird • 595 (from July 1st) - if you come with your camper

Lover Bird • 1155 (from July 1st) - if you come with your partner or lover

After signing up you will receive more practical information on what to bring, the exact location etc.



Sophie, Tonko & Tessa gave birth to Being Intimate Temples 2 years ago and are now offering this retreat in nature together as a trinity who love to serve & create spaces for true connection. They are advocates for a grounded and no-nonsense approach to life, intimacy & spirituality, while experiencing the depth & beauty of showing up with all that life offers. This is exactly where they love inviting you in too.


Sophie is a devoted Tantrika by heart and lover of Life - wildly passionate to explore the depths & joy of this human experience. Here to remind you how liberating it is to be intimate with all of Life.

She intuitively guides individuals & couples to deeper intimacy and hosts Tantric Temples in Amsterdam - to remember the mystery & endless potential within - and ground this into everyday life.

While she flirts with life, and has a deep love for the body & the earth - she loves playfully meeting you in your truth and seeing the beauty in all of you. With a sense of joy, warmth and depth, she loves creating intimate spaces for you to explore true intimacy, both within and in connection with others.


Tonko is a master of listening and tuning into the field, the body and sense what is needed on a personal and group level.

With a years of practiced body-dearmouring terapist, Tonko loves to work together in ceremony to help you to connect within. He believes only from there you can connect in a healthy way to the outside.

Tonko de Wind was born as a real appreciator of life with a lot of joy and a loving and ever willing character. He is fascinated by behavior and the natural state of being. He has a capability that involves grasping the underlying structural principles of any field he enters. From here originates his mission to bring people back to their true place within the whole. To come back to the essence.


Tessa caries the energy of a gentle mother lioness with sparks of joy lighting her path.

It is her mission to guide others in their own search for life itself. To be heavenly grounded, uniting with the truth of who we really are. Back to the heart, back home. After many years of practicing and teaching Yoga, Tantra has given her the gift to deepen her connection with herself and others. She is passionate about bringing like-minded beings together and has a natural gift to create harmony and tune in with (your) nature.

Tessa is fierce, with a huge & gentle heart and ready to welcome you in a transformational space of rawness, joy and Being.

We look forward meeting you soon!


Please don't hassitate to contact with any question:
+31 6 34 18 17 13


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