Meet the tribe



With my love for Yoga, nature, and the simplicity of life, I wish to spread magic and bring the best out of myself and others"

Tessa's inner journey started 9 years ago in India, where she experienced her first Yoga class - giving birth to her curiosity for exploring the depths of her being. This sparked her interest to dive deeper into Yoga through Yoga Teacher Trainings, assisting teachers like Victoria Raven Hyndman, gaining ancient knowledge and wisdom from different masters, such as her beloved teachers Satya & Sahaj. She now gratefully combines ancient Yoga practices with Nature's elements and Ceremony to raise awareness and spread the light of consciousness.

Together with her life partner Tonko she also created BEING - a platform for like minded souls to organizes events which align with the path of awakening to the Heart. With love and devotion she guides the Mandali Experience retreats and organizes her own Yoga and (plant)medicine workshops & retreats all around Europe. Tes carefully guides you on your spiritual journey through physical practices (Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative, Yoga Nidra), which are both challenging and strengthening, yet nourishing at softening at the same time. To create that perfect balance for the body, mind and spirit.

As a guardian of Mother Earth, she honors the elements, brings her tribe together in ceremony to reconnect to our playful, messy, brave and vulnerable, wild sparkle we all have within us.

It is her mission to guide others in their own search for life itself. To be heavenly grounded, uniting with the truth who we really are. Back to the heart, back home.

Next to her Yogic life, Tes is a devoted mother and loves to travel the world with her little family. To learn from other cultures, visit conscious festivals and be emerged in the rawness of nature. Oppositely, she also appreciates her home in the Dutch forest so much, where she takes joy into a simple domestic life.

Be welcome to any of her classes or workshops to learn from and inspire each other.